Grow your own
Super Food in 10 Days

Do you want to know a bit more about the benefits of microgreens and sprouts? Have a look at our video.


Microgreen Grow Kit

Sprout Kits

Custom Grow Kits

Micro Greens

Micro-greens have up to 40 times more vital nutrients than mature plants – all of these nutrients are extremely high in anti-oxidants. Microgreens are young seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs harvested less than 14 days after germination. They are usually harvested at about 1-3 inches long and come in a rainbow of colours and exciting flavours.


Sprouts are seeds that have germinated and grown for generally 4-7 days. They contain significant amounts of protein and dietary fibre, as well as vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin, vitamin C, vitamin A, and riboflavin, plus the minerals: manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. 

Watch these interesting video's on microgreens & sprouts

Frequently asked Questions

What are the differences between Sprouts and microgreens?
Sprouts are seeds that have germinated and grown for generally 4-7 days, generally grown only with water and are common in Eastern Asian cuisine. Sprouts contain significant amounts of protein and dietary fibre, as well as vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamine, vitamin C, vitamin A, riboflavin, plus the minerals: manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. Whilst Microgreens are small plants grown in a soil or growing medium. They have up to 40 times more vital nutrients than their equivalent mature plants – all of these nutrients are extremely high in anti-oxidants and are important for skin, eyes and the fight against cancer

Can I grow microgreens outdoors?
Yes you can. However as they are very young, fragile plants, they need a lot of attention. Also the harsh
outdoor conditions lead to harder and more woody plants often with less flavours.

Which are more nutritious sprouts or microgreens?
Microgreens are more nutritious than sprouts as Sprouts are grown only using water, whereas
microgreens are grown within soil. Microgreens absorb minerals from the soil as they grow,
increasing their nutritional content. They contain slightly more amount of fibres than sprouts

Is it OK to eat sprouts everyday?
Sprouts are very nutritious, also they may also offer a variety of health benefits, including easier
digestion, improved blood sugar levels and a lower risk of heart disease. That said, for the majority of
healthy people, the benefits of eating raw or lightly cooked sprouts likely
outweigh the risks.

Is Broccoli/Alfalfa seeds just a mixture of the two seeds or is it a unique seed? 
The Broccoli/Alfalfa mix is a 50/50 mixture of the two seeds. The seeds can be mixed and sprouted together as the both germinate roughly at the time. The reason for mixing the two sprouting seeds is to temper the pungentness of the Broccoli with the bland tasting Alfalfa as many people find the broccoli too strong.

Are the seeds we sell the same as the ‘normal’ seed that you can buy in shops/nurseries? 
The seeds that CB uses and sell are the same as sold in Health Shops, that is open pollinated and non-GMO. However they are NOT the same as sold at the Coop or Nurseries or Hardware stores. The seeds in these to outlets are often GMO but more importantly are most likely poisoned to some degree. These poisoned seeds are generally, but not allways, coloured with a pink powder to indicate the poison. I have attached a pic of the two types of peas after this message. The reason for the poisoning of the seeds is that they are planted directly in the ground and need to be protected against insects and fungi that will eat/destroy the seed and the farmer will have a poor crop. The poison is broken down over a couple of months in the soil and not transfered to the fruit. Our seeds are not planted in a hostile environment so do not need the poison as protection and we generally sterilize the growing medium and the seed against fungal attack by soaking in the Miltons solution and using the left over Miltons to water the seeds on the growing medium. Most importantly any poison on the seed will not be broken down in under 14 days, the harvest age of a microgreen.

If we plant our seeds outside can it then also be harvested within 8-10 days?
If you plant our seed in the ground outside, they will grow into short, stubby hardy seedlings in 14 days. By growing them indoors we ensure less temperature variation. By growing them under black out conditions, we force rapid grow but more importantly elongated grow which translates to a tall, tender seedling.

If the answer for 3 is yes would it have the same nutritional values?
microgreens have generally 40 times more antioxidants and nutrition than their full grown counter parts. I assume they have same antioxidants and nutrients as a seedling of the same size planted in the soil.
For example 28g (1 ounce or a table spoon) of broccoli sprouts has the same sulfarophane content as 700g (1.5 pounds) of broccoli florets.

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